Friday, May 30, 2008


Kadang kadang aku suka ngerasa.. yaaa.... Aku sadar nggak ada orang yang sempurna.. Kadang aku ngerasa suka gak didengar pendapat ku.. Bukan berarti ini sebagai bentuk protes, tapi aku harap artikel ini cukup membantu para orang tua untuk mau sedikit saja mendengarkan anak anaknya..


Komunikasi yang efektif antara orangtua dan anak tidaklah selalu mudah. Kedua belah pihak memiliki
gaya komunikasi dan respon yang berbeda dalam percakapan. Saat yang tepat dan suasana turut menentukan
keberhasilan komunikasi. Sayangnya, Saat yang tepat dan suasana hati terkadang tidak muncul secara
bersamaan. Para orangtua harus memilih saat untuk berbicara pada Anak Anda dengan cara yang perlahan dan
tidak tergesa - gesa.

Tips berikut mungkin dapat membantu :

* Memperhatikan seksama apa yang sedang diceritakannya
* Jangan memotong pembicaraannya
* Jangan mempersiapkan apa yang hendak dikatakan kemudian pada saat anak sedang berbicara
* Tunda memberi penilian hingga anak Anda selesai bicara dan meminta respon Anda

* Perhatikan ekspresi wajah anak Anda dan bahasa tubuhnya. Dengan membaca tanda - tanda ini akan membantu
orangtua mengetahui bagaimana perasaan si Anak
* Selama percakapan, Pahami apa yang sedang dikatakan oleh si anak, geser tubuh Anda kedepan bila Anda
dalam posisi duduk, sentuh bahunya bila sedang berjalan atau beri anggukan dan lakukan kontak mata

* " Saya sangat prihatin tentang..." atau " Saya mengerti bahwa terkadang sulit ..." merupakan cara merespon
yang lebih baik daripada memulai kalimat dengan " Kamu seharusnya ... " atau " Seandainya saja jadi kamu ..."
atau " Ketika saya seumur kamu, Kami tidak pernah..."
* Walaupun anak Anda mengatakan sesuatu yang Anda tidak suka dengar, Jangan abaikan ucapannya
* Jangan berikan nasehat untuk setiap pernyataan yang ia buat. Lebih baik mendengar dengan cermat apa yang
sedang diutarakan dan berusaha memahami perasaan yang sesungguhnya dibalik kata - kata itu.
* Pastikan bahwa Anda memahami apa yang anak Anda maksudkan. Ulangi ucapannya demi kepastian


Sebagai anak kadang Yo suka yaa terus terang suka mikir "Kenapa sih mama kok galak banget or ngekang banget.. Setelah baca n nyari info Yo nemuin artikel ini.. Mudah mudah bagi ortu n calon ortu bisa menelaah ini dengan seksama. Kalo bisa jadi ortu ideal pasti anak anak akan mengidolakan Anda sebagai orang tua yang hebat. Suatu kebanggaan bukan?


Menjadi orang tua memang tidak gampang. Sekolahnya pun tidak ada. Namun begitu, bagaimanapun Anda bersikap terhadap anak, implementasinya bisa digolongkan dalam 4 tipe pola asuh. Termasuk orang tua bagaimanakah Anda?

Semalam Irma terlambat tidur, karena sepupunya berkunjung dan baru pulang jam 22.00. Hari ini si kecil yang masih duduk di kelas 2 SD itu bangun kesiangan. Akibatnya, ia jadi angot, enggak mau berangkat ke sekolah dengan alasan malu kalau terlambat. Setelah semua penghuni rumah membujuknya, bukannya segera mandi dan bergegas ke sekolah, Irma malah makin menjadi-jadi amukannya.

Kalau Irma adalah anak Anda, bagaimana menyikapinya? Memaksanya untuk segera berangkat sekolah? Membiarkannya tidak masuk sekolah? Atau bagaimana? "Sikap yang diambil orang tua terkait erat dengan pola asuh yang diterapkan pada anaknya," ujar Dra. Clara Istiwidarum Kriswanto, MA, CPBC., dari Jagadnita Consulting.

Pada dasarnya orang tua menginginkan anaknya untuk tumbuh menjadi orang yang matang dan dewasa secara sosial. Sehingga apa pun jenis pengasuhan yang diterapkan orang tua pada dasarnya dimaksudkan untuk mencapai hal tersebut. Namun, kadang orang tua tidak menyadari bahwa pola pengasuhan tertentu dapat membawa dampak merugikan bagi anak. Menurut seorang pakar psikologi, Diana Baumrind, ada empat jenis pola pengasuhan, yaitu otoriter, authoritative, neglectful dan indulgent. Kalau Anda ingin tahu termasuk yang mana, simak penjelasannya berikut.


BILA orang tua Irma termasuk tipe otoriter, maka dia akan mengambil sikap memaksa tanpa kompromi sama sekali. Pokoknya, sekolah wajib hukumnya dan anak tidak boleh membolos dengan alasan apa pun. Mau terlambat, harus menanggung malu, atau kena hukum dari guru, orang tua tidak mau tahu. Yang penting anak tetap berangkat sekolah yang memang menjadi kewajibannya. "Pokoknya Mama-Papa enggak mau tahu. Kamu harus segera mandi dan berangkat sekolah. Jangan membantah!" Kata-kata seperti itulah yang akan diucapkan oleh orang tua otoritarian bila menghadapi keadaan ini.

Pola otoriter adalah pengasuhan yang kaku, diktator dan memaksa anak untuk selalu mengikuti perintah orang tua tanpa banyak alasan. Dalam pola asuh ini biasa ditemukan penerapan hukuman fisik dan aturan-aturan tanpa merasa perlu menjelaskan kepada anak apa guna dan alasan di balik aturan tersebut.

Orang tua mungkin berpendapat bahwa anak memang harus mengikuti aturan yang ditetapkannya. Toh, apa pun peraturan yang ditetapkan orang tua semata-mata demi kebaikan anak. Orang tua tak mau repot-repot berpikir bahwa peraturan yang kaku seperti itu justru akan menimbulkan serangkaian efek.

Pola asuh otoriter biasanya berdampak buruk pada anak, seperti ia merasa tidak bahagia, ketakutan, tidak terlatih untuk berinisiatif, selalu tegang, tidak mampu menyelesaikan masalah (kemampuan problem solving-nya buruk), begitu juga kemampuan komunikasinya yang buruk.


BILA masalah Irma ini dihadapi oleh orang tua yang mempunyai pola asuh neglectful, maka apa pun yang terjadi, terjadilah tanpa orang tua menaruh peduli sama sekali. Anak mau sekolah terserah, tidak sekolah juga terserah. Apa saja yang ingin dilakukan anak, orang tua membolehkannya. Kalau ia harus berangkat kerja saat itu, ya ia tetap berangkat ke kantor, tanpa peduli anak akan menentukan pilihan yang mana. Dalam bahasa sederhananya tipe ini adalah tipe orang tua yang permisif alias serba membolehkan.

Pola neglectful adalah pola dimana orang tua tidak mau terlibat dan tidak mau pula pusing-pusing memedulikan kehidupan anaknya. Jangan salahkan bila anak menganggap bahwa aspek-aspek lain dalam kehidupan orang tuanya lebih penting daripada keberadaan dirinya. Walaupun tinggal di bawah atap yang sama, bisa jadi orang tua tidak begitu tahu perkembangan anaknya.

Pola asuh seperti ini tentu akan menimbulkan serangkaian dampak buruk. Di antaranya anak akan mempunyai harga diri yang rendah, tidak punya kontrol diri yang baik, kemampuan sosialnya buruk, dan merasa bukan bagian yang penting untuk orang tuanya. Bukan tidak mungkin serangkaian dampak buruk ini akan terbawa sampai ia dewasa. Tidak tertutup kemungkinan pula anak akan melakukan hal yang sama terhadap anaknya kelak. Akibatnya, masalah menyerupai lingkaran setan yang tidak pernah putus.


KIRA-KIRA seperti ini yang akan dikatakan orang tua yang tidak punya posisi tawar, "Ya sudah, Irma boleh enggak sekolah. Kamu lagi malas sekolah ya?" Kalau Irma mau menonton televisi saja di rumah, orang tua akan berkata, "Ya sudah, daripada menangis terus, kamu nonton teve saja deh." Begitu seterusnya. Kata-kata seperti itu akan sering diucapkan oleh orang tua yang mempunyai pola asuh indulgent.

Pola indulgent sebetulnya menjadi istilah bagi pola asuh orang tua yang selalu terlibat dalam semua aspek kehidupan anak. Namun di situ tidak ada tuntutan dan kontrol dari orang tua terhadap anak. Mereka cenderung membiarkan anaknya melakukan apa saja sesuai dengan keinginan mereka. Dalam bahasa sederhananya, orang tua akan selalu menuruti keinginan anak, apa pun keinginan tersebut. Bahkan orang tua jadi tidak punya posisi tawar sama sekali di depan anak karena semua keinginannya akan dituruti, tanpa mempertimbangkan apakah itu baik atau buruk bagi si anak," tandas Clara.

Banyak orang tua yang menerapkan pola asuh ini berkilah bahwa sikap yang diambilnya didasari rasa sayangnya terhadap anak. "Cinta saya pada si kecil kan cinta yang tidak bersyarat. Jadi, apa pun yang diminta anak akan saya turuti." Padahal yang namanya cinta, pada siapa pun, termasuk pada anak, tidak identik dengan keharusan menuruti semua keinginannya.

Akibat buruk yang harus diterima anak sehubungan dengan pola asuh orang tua yang seperti ini jelas tidak sedikit. Di antaranya anak jadi sama sekali tidak belajar mengontrol diri. Ia selalu menuntut orang lain untuk menuruti keinginannya tapi tidak berusaha belajar menghormati orang lain. Anak pun cenderung mendominasi orang lain, sehingga punya kesulitan dalam berteman.


APAKAH Anda termasuk orang tua yang akan memilih langkah seperti ini? "Jadi Irma maunya gimana? Kalau mau makan es krim dulu, oke Mama kasih waktu 5 menit, tapi setelah itu kamu harus segera mandi dan berangkat sekolah." Anak boleh memilih melakukan apa yang menurutnya baik, tetapi tetap harus ada batasan apa yang seharusnya dilakukan. Pola asuh seperti ini dikategorikan sebagai pola asuh authoritative.

Pola authoritative mendorong anak untuk mandiri, tapi orang tua tetap menetapkan batas dan kontrol. Orang tua biasanya bersikap hangat, dan penuh welas asih kepada anak, bisa menerima alasan dari semua tindakan anak, mendukung tindakan anak yang konstruktif. "Jadi pada kasus anak terlambat sekolah, orang tua tetap mendengarkan dulu apa keinginan anak, dalam hal ini adalah makan es krim dulu. Bisa jadi hal itu dilakukan anak untuk meredakan ketegangannya karena akan terlambat masuk kelas. Tapi setelah itu, orang tua tetap mengarahkan anak untuk melakukan apa yang seharusnya dilakukan, yaitu tetap harus segera mandi dan kemudian berangkat sekolah," kata Clara.

Anak yang terbiasa dengan pola asuh authoritative akan membawa dampak menguntungkan. Di antaranya anak akan merasa bahagia, mempunyai kontrol diri dan rasa percaya dirinya terpupuk, bisa mengatasi stres, punya keinginan untuk berprestasi dan bisa berkomunikasi baik dengan teman-teman dan orang dewasa.

Dengan adanya dampak positif tersebut, pola asuh authoritative adalah pola asuh yang bisa dijadikan pilihan bagi orang tua. "Beri anak kesempatan bicara tetapi kontrol sepenuhnya tetap di tangan orang tua," tambahnya.


SEHUBUNGAN dengan pola asuh yang baik, Clara menyarankan beberapa hal berikut yang dapat digunakan orang tua untuk mempererat hubungannya dengan anak.

* Menyediakan waktu untuk anak

Komunikasi yang baik memerlukan waktu yang berkualitas dan ini yang kadang tidak dipikirkan oleh orang tua. Tak sedikit orang tua yang meyakini bahwa yang penting adalah kualitas bukan kuantitas. Padahal dalam hal komunikasi, kuantitas juga diperlukan. Bila orang tua bisa memberikan waktu yang berkualitas bagi anaknya, maka itu berarti ia sudah mengasihi dan memperhatikan anaknya.

* Berkomunikasi secara pribadi

Jangan tunggu sampai anak bermasalah. Setiap kali ada kesempatan, manfaatkan momen tersebut untuk mengajak anak bicara. Bicara di sini tidak sekadar basa-basi menanyakan apa kabarnya hari ini. Akan tetapi sebaiknya orang tua juga bisa menyelami perasaan senang, sedih, marah maupun keluh kesah anak.

* Menghargai anak

Hargai keberadaan anak. Jangan hanya menganggapnya sebagai anak kecil. Kalaupun sedang bicara dengan anak, posisikan dirinya sebagai sosok yang dihargai dan sederajat. Dalam beberapa hal tertentu ada yang lebih diketahui anak ketimbang orang tua. Jadi ada baiknya orang tua pun belajar untuk menghargai dan mendengarkan pendapat anaknya.

* Mengerti anak

Dalam berkomunikasi dengan anak, orang tua sebaiknya berusaha untuk mengerti dunia anak, memandang posisi mereka, mendengarkan apa ceritanya dan apa dalihnya. Mengenali apa yang menjadi suka dan duka, kegemaran, kesulitan, kelebihan, serta kekurangan mereka.

* Menciptakan hubungan yang baik

Hubungan yang erat dapat mempersempit jurang pemisah antara orang tua dan anak. Dengan demikian anak mau bersikap terbuka dengan menceritakan seluruh isi hatinya tanpa ada yang ditutup-tutupi di hadapan orang tua.

* Berikan sentuhan/kedekatan fisik dan kontak mata

Usahakan setiap hari untuk menyentuh, melakukan kontak mata dan kedekatan fisik dengan anak. Anak akan merasakan kasih sayang dan kehangatan orang tua bila ayah atau ibu mau melakukan hal-hal tersebut.

* Dengarkan anak

Orang tua sebaiknya belajar untuk menjadi pendengar aktif bagi anaknya. Dengan demikian anak akan tahu bahwa orang tua mampu memahaminya seperti yang mereka rasakan. Bukan seperti yang dilihat atau disangka orang tuanya. Cara ini akan membuat anak merasa penting dan berharga. Selain itu anak akan belajar untuk mengenali, menerima, dan mengerti perasaan mereka sendiri, serta menemukan cara untuk mengatasi masalahnya.



When i surf through the net i found this articles are quite interesting... I hope you can read and i hope hope it will quite helpfull too..

Dr. Eddy Fances / Indonesia Media

Salah satu kebutuhan dasar pada anak-anak adalah cinta kasih. Ketika seorang anak mendapatkan dirinya dicintai, kelak ia akan berkembang menjadi anak yang tahu mencintai pula. Semua orang tua yang normal menginginkan anaknya berkembang menjadi anak yang tahu mencintai orang tua, mencintai dirinya, dan mencintai orang lain. Sesungguhnya orang yang mengenal apa itu dicintai dan mencintai adalah kebahagiaan hidup yang sejati.

1. Perlihatkan Cinta Kasih Antara Suami dan Istri.

Hampir semua karakter anak-anak dipelajari dari meniru orang tua mereka. Jika anak-anak sering melihat orang tuanya bertengkar, marah-marah, saling membenci, saling menghina dan saling memusuhi, secara tidak sadar otak dan hatinya akan merekam semua peristiwa yang menyakitkan tersebut. Lama kelamaan anak-anak akan bertumbuh menjadi anak yang juga berwatak keras, pembenci, dendam, suka bertengkar, bermusuhan, dan tidak tahu mengasihi.

Sebaliknya anak-anak yang melihat kedua orang tuanya saling mencintai, saling menghargai, dan saling menghormati akan membuat mereka belajar mengembangkan watak cinta kasih, tahu menghargai dan menghormati orang lain. Sebab itu, suami dan istri harus sepakat untuk memperlihatkan wujud-wujud cinta kasih yang konkret, yang bisa ditiru dan dipelajari oleh anak-anak secara normal dan sehat.

2. Menerima Anak Sebagaimana Adanya.

Semua anak adalah unik. Artinya tidak dua orang anak yang sama 100% walaupun mereka kembar. Sebab itu orang tua harus mampu mengenal dan menemukan keunikan anaknya masing-masing. Selanjutnya orang tua harus menerima keberadaan anaknya secara utuh tanpa harus membanding-bandingkan dengan anak yang lain. Maka, anak tersebut akan bertumbuh menjadi anak yang percaya diri, tahu menghargai diri, dan tahu menghargai orang lain.

Sebaliknya jika orang tua menuntut anaknya menjadi seperti orang lain, mis: meniru kakaknya, atau menjadi seperti ayah, atau ibu, atau “seseorang” lain, anak tersebut akan merasakan “tekanan” pada dirinya yang pada akhirnya mengakibatkan frustrasi, depresi, atau kebencian terhadap orang tua. Alhasil, anaknya tidak merasakan dicintai, dan tidak akan pernah belajar mencintai pula.

3. Menghargai Anak Melebihi Materi.

Ada sebagian orang tua yang begitu mementingkan materi (uang, harta benda) sehingga tidak pernah ada waktu yang disediakan bagi anak; atau bahkan ada yang tidak sungkan-sungkan mempertaruhkan nilai moral dan harga diri demi sejumlah uang. Misalnya: berdusta, berjudi, melanggar hukum, atau melakukan kejahatan lainnya. Hal-hal ini akan membuat anak memiliki konsep yang salah terhadap nilai seorang manusia. Dia akn bertumbuh menjadi seorang yang lebih menghargai materi daripada harga dirinya, atau harga diri orang lain. Materi baginya segala-galanya seperti yang diterima dan dialami dalam keluarganya.

Setelah dia dewasa, dia akan lebih mencintai uang daripada mencintai orang tua; lebih mementingkan uang daripada harga dirinya atau nyawanya; dan tidak pernah akan belajar menghargai manusia lebih daripada materi dan harta benda lainnya. Ini sangat berbahaya.

4. Melakukan Tindakan Kasih yang Nyata.

Cinta kasih bukanlah kata benda, melainkan kata kerja. Dengan kata lain, cinta kasih haruslah dipraktikkan dalam perbuatan-perbuatan baik yang nyata. Kasih tidak ada gunanya jika hanya dibicarakan, didiskusikan, dan diperdebatkan. Orang tua yang ingin anaknya kelak memiliki watak cinta kasih, hendaklah mulai menanamkan perbuatan-perbuatan baik kepada anak-anaknya sejak umur dini. Untuk itu seringkali dibutuhkan kerelaan untuk berkorban bagi anak-anak; bukan saja secara materi, yang lebih penting adalah waktu, perhatian, tenaga, dan bantuan-bantuan lainnya.

Anak yang mengalami tindakan-tindakan kasih dari orang tuanya akan bertumbuh menjadi seorang yang berjiwa besar dan berhati lembut dan berwatak rela untuk menolong siapa saja yang membutuhkan. Kelak, dia akan sangat berterima kasih kepada orang tuanya, dan akan sangat mencintai mereka, serta menjadi berkat bagi banyak orang lain.

5. Suka Mendengarkan Anak.

Pada umumnya orang tua cenderung membangun komunikasi satu arah dengan anaknya yaitu hanya memberikan nasihat, menggurui, dan menuntut sang anak mendengarkan, taat, dan mendengarkan. Anak tidak diijinkan banyak bicara apalagi membantah. Akibatnya tidak sedikit anak yang “tertekan”, “main pintu belakang, diam-diam memberontak atau terang-terangan menunjukkan kebencian terhadap orang tuanya, karena mereka merasakan haknya untuk berbicara dan didengar telah direbut oleh orang tuanya.

Jika orang tua ingin anaknya menciptakan pertumbuhan yang normal dan sehat pada anak khususnya memiliki watak dan pribadi yang tahu mencintai dan menghargai orang lain, maka adalah mutlak orang tua harus menghargai hak anak untuk berbicara dan didengarkan. Memang tidak mudah. Namun tidak berarti mustahil bukan? Orang tua perlu menyediakan waktu untuk mendengarkan anak-anaknya berbicara, mengeluh, menyampaikan ketidak-setujuan, mengajukan pendapatnya, bahkan menyatakan protesnya. Janganlah mendengarkan sambil membaca Koran, menonton TV, atau mengerjakan sesuatu yang lain. Belajarlah menghargai mereka dengan mendengarkan secara serius dan penuh perhatian serta memandang matanya. Setelah itu barulah orang tua mengarahkan anaknya ke jalan yang benar melaluim komunikasi dua arah. Sesungguhnya, komunikasi itu bukan saja berbicara, tetapi mendengarkan. Ya. Mendengarkan.

6. Percaya Kepada Anak.

Anak yang dipercayai perkataannya dan perbuatannya oleh orang tuanya akan merasakan bahwa dirinya diakui, dihargai, dan dicintai. Sebaliknya anak yang sering dicurigai–biasanya karena pernah berdusta atau melakukan kesalahan – akan merasakan dirinya tidak berguna lagi. Walaupun ia sudah mencoba berubah dan melakukan hal-hal yang benar, namun orang tua tidak pernah sungguh-sungguh memaafkannya dan mempercayainya. Akibatnya ia akan merasa tidak berharga, najis, tidak dimiliki, dan ia akan nekad untuk melakukan hal-hal yang lebih jahat lagi. Mungkin mottonya: “Toh, sudah kepalang basah, dan tidak pernah dipercaya lagi, untuk apa saya berbuat baik dan mengasihi mereka? Sekalian saja saya rusak!”

Sebaliknya jika orang tua mengenal ketidak-sempurnaan manusia, ia akan belajar memaafkan kesalahan, menerima kembali anak secara utuh, dan mempercayai anaknya sepenuhnya. Hal ini akan membuat anak merasakan dicintai, diterima, dan dipulihkan dari segala kelemahan dan kesalahannya. Akibatnya segala kepahitan, atau kebencian, atau luka-luka bathin akan sembuh dan digantikan dengan sukacita, damai, rasa aman, penuh semangat, dan percaya diri. Semua ini akan membangun watak cinta kasih yang sangat mulia.

7. Membagi Pengalaman.

Pengalaman adalah guru yang terbaik. Namun jarang sekali orang tua yang mau membagi-bagikan pengalaman pribadi mereka kepada anak-anaknya. Mungkin ada pengalaman yang kurang baik, menyakitkan, atau kurang membangun. Namun sesungguhnya melalui pembagian pengalaman inilah anak-anak akan belajar fakta-fakta hidup yang sebenarnya. Selain itu anak akan diajar untuk terbuka karena orang tua berani untuk membuka dirinya.

Keterbukaan adalah salah satu syarat mutlak untuk menciptakan watak cinta kasih. Karena kasih itu jujur dan terbuka, berani mengaku salah, dan rela memaafkan. Pengalaman yang pahit ataupun manis, berhasil ataupun gagal, baik atau burruk, memiliki pelajaran yang sama berharganya bagi anak-anak. Mereka akan merasakan dilibatkan dalam kehidupan yang sesungguhnya, dihargai, dicintai. Selanjutnya, mereka akan tahu menghargai dan mencintai kehidupan ini, serta mengasihi orang tuanya sebagaimana adanya, juga mengasihi sesamanya.

How To Be a Good Mother

How To Be a Good Mother

Artikel Ini aku ambil dari salah satu website.. Mungkin ada yang butuh tips atau Anda adalah calon ibu. Bolehlah baca artikel ini.. I hope this will helpfull..

There's already a lot to cover when learning how to be the best parent you can be. But there are certain challenges a mother faces as a parent that are distinct from those of being a father. Here's how to overcome them and raise your child(ren) well.
Be patient. Being a mother is a little challenging sometimes, especially if you have a daughter. But keep your cool and try to stay patient. Your daughter snuck into your room and put on your makeup? Explain to her the practical reasons why she shouldn't do this, such as hygiene, clogging pores, etc. Then tell her why you don't like her doing it- she'll muck up her skin at this young age, this is your makeup, etc. Try this approach to other problems. Stay calm, explain the practical reasons not to do something, and then why YOU don't want them to do something.
Take an interest in your child's interests. If your son likes cars, maybe buy him a model car he can make. Ask questions, like what is your favorite type of car, which model is that car, etc. If your daughter is interested in animals, buy her something like a magazine for animals, and tell her some interesting sites and books she can look at. Ask her what her favorite animal is, info about animals, etc. Make an effort.
Don't be tight about money. Okay, so blowing money day after day isn't the best thing to do, but don't automatically say no to everything your kid asks for. If you always say no and follow this with a lecture about saving money, you will be known as the "Tight Parent", the one who never buys anything. Buy something small every now and then. Even offering to purchase some candy or chips at the petrol station can make a difference. Every now and then buy something big that you are sure your kid wants. For example, an iPod, or a bike. And be generous at birthdays. This can include taking a special day to go out to dinner, see a movie, and choose a nice gift or receive nice gifts from parents.
Make sure you are an approachable person to talk to. Try your hardest to always be understanding and a good listener. Knowing that they can go to their mom for friendship advice, information on sex and puberty, homework help, or just a hug goes a long way for kids. Not having someone they can talk to can cause kids to retire into a shell, so make sure you talk to them about how they feel regularly.
Be supportive, and never laugh at your kids hobbies, interests or friends. So, your son doesn't want to study medicine and become a doctor? Don't get angry, this is your child's life and they can make some of their own decisions. Understand that it's okay if your child thinks differently from you. Don't get mad because they have a different opinion to you, or your son wants to become an engineer and not a doctor. Don't laugh at them, or their friends. Who cares if you daughter listens to heavy metal music and wears too much eyeliner? She's still your daughter. And so what if your son is friends with a guy who speaks in a funny accent or who has a different skin color? You might not do what your kids do, but that is their decision, not yours. You have a big impact on their lives already-you choose what school they go to, when they eat dinner, the amount of pocket money they get for doing chores. Don't over do it.
Be able to admit that something you did may have been wrong and don't be afraid to apologize. It might be hard, but it's better for everyone if you just admit to your mistakes and apologize. It saves everyone the trouble of being mad that you're being stubborn and teaches your kids that it's okay to make mistakes, as well as the importance of an apology. Simply calm yourself, evaluate the situation, determine what you did wrong and why. Then apologize and explain how or why you acted the way you did. A good way to start off may be: "I would like to apologize for how I acted earlier, and I realize that I was wrong," then transition into the rest.
Give your children a lot of love

Help your child with their homework. Not only will you know what they're doing in school, but your child will probably start coming to you for help by themselves.
Spend quality time with your child. Play ball with your son or do a craft project with your daughter. And make sure you have fun.
Take your child out to museums, the theater, classical music concerts, and other cultural events. While they may not like it at the time, they will most likely be grateful when they are older that they have a more well-rounded background.
Always be supportive and accepting.
Always try to be fair.
Don't use the phrase, "I carried you for 9 months!" in an argument. Your kids will most likely not understand what you actually had to go through, and it won't be really effective.
A few other observations from another perspective:
Parents need to teach their children how to be successful adults. Don't routinely do things for your children that they can learn to do for themselves.
Life is a great teacher. Don't be too quick to rescue your child from the results of their own actions if the consequences are not overly severe.
Your child is an individual deserving of respect, not an extension or a reflection of you.
Love them unconditionally; don't force them to be who you think they should be in order to earn your love.
Ayat Allah tentang orang tua

Mentaati Orang Tua | 30 November 2006 | 8 Dzulqaidah 1427 H | Hits: 4,846
Abu Nu'man Mubarok
Kirim ke teman | Print

وَوَصَّيْنَا الْإِنسَانَ بِوَالِدَيْهِ حَمَلَتْهُ أُمُّهُ وَهْنًا عَلَى وَهْنٍ وَفِصَالُهُ فِي عَامَيْنِ أَنْ اشْكُرْ لِي وَلِوَالِدَيْكَ إِلَيَّ الْمَصِيرُ . وَإِنْ جَاهَدَاكَ عَلى أَنْ تُشْرِكَ بِي مَا لَيْسَ لَكَ بِهِ عِلْمٌ فَلَا تُطِعْهُمَا وَصَاحِبْهُمَا فِي الدُّنْيَا مَعْرُوفًا وَاتَّبِعْ سَبِيلَ مَنْ أَنَابَ إِلَيَّ ثُمَّ إِلَيَّ مَرْجِعُكُمْ فَأُنَبِّئُكُمْ بِمَا كُنتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ
(لقمان : 14-15)

“Dan Kami perintahkan kepada manusia (berbuat baik) kepada dua orang ibu-bapaknya; ibunya telah mengandungnya dalam keadaan lemah yang bertambah-tambah, dan menyapihnya dalam dua tahun. Bersyukurlah kepada-Ku dan kepada dua orang ibu bapakmu, hanya kepada-Kulah kembalimu. Dan jika keduanya memaksamu untuk mempersekutukan dengan Aku sesuatu yang tidak ada pengetahuanmu tentang itu, maka janganlah kamu mengikuti keduanya, dan pergaulilah keduanya di dunia dengan baik, dan ikutilah jalan orang yang kembali kepada-Ku, kemudian hanya kepada-Kulah kembalimu, maka Ku-beritakan kepadamu apa yang telah kamu kerjakan.” (QS. Luqman: 14-15)

Ayat ini Allah selipkan di tengah-tengah pesan Luqman al Hakim kepada anaknya, para ahli tafsir menyebutnya sebagai jumlah i’tiradhiyah. Keterangannya begini: ketika Luqman berpesan agar anaknya menjauhi syirik (sikap menyekutukan Allah) Allah segera mengingatkan dengan ayat di atas bahwa keharusan meninggalkan syirik adalah satu hal yang sangat mendasar. Tidak bisa ditawar-tawar. Sampaipun ajakan untuk bertindak syirik datangnya dari orang tua -yang harus ditaati dan dicintai- seorang anak harus tetap bersikap tegas pada pendiriannya, dengan tanpa melukai perasaannya.

Imam Ibn Katsir menyitir sebab turunnya ayat tersebut: Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas bercerita: “Saya adalah seorang yang selalu mengabdi kepada ibu. Ketika saya masuk Islam ibu saya berkata: Agama apa yang kamu ikuti itu? Saya minta agar kamu tinggalkan agama tersebut. Jika tidak saya tidak akan makan dan minum sampai mati, sehingga orang berkata bahwa kamu adalah pembunuh saya. Saya lalu berkata: wahai ibu jangan kau lakukan itu. Sampai kapanpun saya tidak akan pernah meninggalkan agama ini. Tapi ibu benar-benar melakukan itu, lanjut Sa’ad. Hari pertama, lalu hari kedua, sampai hari ketiga. Kondisinya benar-benar mengerikan. Saya langsung segera mendekatinya: Ketahuilah wahai ibu, -kata saya lebih lanjut- seandainya kau mempunyai seratus jiwa, dan satu persatu jiwa tersebut pergi, saya tidak akan pernah meninggalkan agamaku ini. Jika ibu mau makanlah, jika tidak teruskan saja menahan lapar. Karena ketegaran pendirian saya tersebut, ibu lalu makan. Maka turunlah ayat di atas.

Kewajiban Menghormati Orang Tua

Berbuat baik kepada kedua orang tua adalah ajaran yang selalu Allah pesankan tidak hanya kepada Rasulullah SAW, melainkan juga kepada nabi-nabi terdahulu. Dalam surat Al Baqarah: 83 Allah berfirman: Dan (ingatlah), ketika Kami mengambil janji dari Bani Israil (yaitu): Janganlah kamu menyembah selain Allah, dan berbuat baiklah kepada ibu bapak…”. Dalam An Nisa’ 36: Sembahlah Allah dan janganlah kamu mempersekutukan-Nya dengan sesuatupun. Dan berbuat baiklah kepada ibu-bapa…” Dalam Al An’am:151: Katakanlah: “Marilah kubacakan apa yang diharamkan atas kamu oleh Tuhanmu, yaitu: janganlah kamu mempersekutukan sesuatu dengan Dia, berbuat baiklah terhadap ibu bapa…”.

Ketika menafsirkan ayat yang kita bahas di atas, Imam Az Zamakhsyary dalam karya monumentalnya Al Kasysyaf menyingkap rahasia mengapa Allah menyebutkan secara khsusus gambaran capeknya seorang ibu saat-saat mengandung sang anak “hamalathu ummuhuu wahnan ‘alaa wahnin”. Di sini kata Az Zamakhsyary: mengandung suatu penekanan agar sang anak kelak benar-benar menghormati ibunya. Bahwa hak seorang ibu kepada anaknya adalah sangat agung. Rasulullah SAW ketika ditanya oleh salah seorang sahabat mengenai kepada siapa ia harus berbuat baik, ia menjawab: “ibumu”, “ibumu”, “ibumu”, lalu “bapakmu”. (Al Kasysyaf, Az Zamakhsyary: vol: 3, h. 494-495)

Cinta dan pengorbanan seorang ibu memang sangat tergambar dalam ungkapan: “hamalathu ummuhuu wahnan alaa wahnin”, tetapi seringkali sang anak tidak merasakannya. Karena waktu itu ia masih dalam kandungan dan kalaupun telah lahir selama dua tahun disusui, anak belum bisa menangkap kesan secara sempurna. Karena itulah Allah sebutkan dalam ayat di atas supaya nampak betapa besarnya kasih sayang sang ibu. Dan bahkan semua itu tidak kalah pentingnya bila dibandingkan dengan perjuangan sang ayah dalam mencari nafkah.

Manusia memang cendrung berterimaksih kepada orang yang bantuannya nampak di depan matanya dan ia rasakan secara langsung. Perjuangan seorang ayah ketika mencari nafkah dan membiayai kebutuhan rumah tangga, memang sangat nampak dan terasa secara langsung bagi sang anak. Maka sebelum persepsi negatif muncul, bahwa sang ibu tidak berbuat apa-apa, dan supaya sikap merendahkan peranan ibu tidak terjadi Allah segera mengingatkan akan pengorbanan yang sangat agung ini. Dan hebatnya lagi, peringatan ini datangnya langsung dari Allah. Suatu indikasi yang menggambarkan betapa besar jasa kedua orang tua, terutama sang ibu, dan bahwa menghormati dan mengabdi kepada keduanya bukan hanya suatu sikap yang sangat penting dan mendasar melainkan suatu kewajiban.

Lebih dari itu Allah tidak bosan-bosan mengulang-ngulang pesan keharusan berbuat baik kepada kedua orang tua di berbagai kesempatan dalam Al Qur’an. Mengapa? Mari kita lihat bahwa ternyata kecintaan dan tanggung jawab orang tua kepada anak adalah fitrah yang Allah tanamkan dalam diri setiap orang tua. Makanya, capek bagaimanapun orang tua tetap berjuang untuk mengandung, menyusui dan membesarkan anaknya. Bahkan mereka seringkali merasa senang sekalipun harus mengorbankan waktu tidurnya di tengah malam saat enak-enaknya tidur. Ini adalah sunnatullah yang sudah Allah tetapkan demi berlangsungnya kehidupan di bumi. Tetapi kecintaan dan ketaatan seorang anak kepada orang tua, butuh kesadaran. Untuk mencapai kesadaran ini butuh peringatan yang terus-menerus bahwa mentatati orang tua adalah suatu kewajiaban. Dari sini Nampak rahasia mengapa sampai sebegitu rupa Allah menggambarkan getir perjuangan seorang ibu terhadap anaknya. Itu tidak ada lain, agar anak tersentuh lalu tersadar, dan seteleh itu tergerakkan untuk menjalankan kewajibannya kepada kedua orangtuanya dengan sungguh-sungguh.

Sebagai suatu kewajiban maka tentu tidak ada perbedaan fiqih dalam hal ini. Semua ulama bersepakat akan wajibnya mengabdi kepada kedua orang tua. Kecuali jika suatu saat kelak salah seorang dari kedua orang tua memerintahkan untuk berbuat syirik, maka kartu hak untuk ditaati seperti yang kita sebutkan tadi tidak bisa dipergunakan. Dan dalam kontek inilah ayat di atas di selipkan. Supaya tidak menimbulkan paham bolehnya mengkultuskan orang tua sampai ketingkat keharusan mentaatinya sekalipun harus melanggar ajaran Allah SWT. Tidak, orang tua memang harus dihormati dan ditaati, tetapi dalam hal pilihan antara mengikuti ajaran Allah dan RasulNya atau ajakan orang tua kepada kemusyrikan, maka yang harus diutamakan adalah tetap ajaran Allah dan RasulNya. Sikap Sa’ad ra. seperti yang telah disebutkan tadi adalah cerminan yang menguatkan pemahaman ini.

Sikap keharusan mengutamakan ajaran Allah kian terlihat ketika Allah berfirman pada ayat selanjutnya: anisykurly waliwalidayka, di sini keharusan bersyukur kepada Allah lebih di dahulukan penyebutannya. Kata anisykurly artinya “kau harus bersyukur kepadaKu”. Perhatikan ketegasan ungkapan ini, mengapa li (untuk Allah) didahulukan atas waliwalidaykum (untuk orang tuamua)? Allah adalah pemberi nikmat hakiki dan apa yang diberikan orang tua kepada anaknya tidak lebih dari karunia Allah kepadanya. Benar, orang tua telah sangat berjasa dan berbuat baik kepada anaknya. Tetapi semua jasa baik itu adalah karena karunia Allah. Seandainya Allah tidak menghendaki hal itu, tentu akan terjadi yang sebaliknya. Bukankah sudah banyak buktinya bahwa seorang ibu membunuh cabang bayinya. Seorang ayah membunuh anaknya dan lain sebagainya. Dari sini jelas bahwa sikap baik orang tua bagaimanapun adalah karena karunia Allah. Oleh sebab itu Allah-lah Pemberi karunia yang hakiki. Dan Karena itu Ia harus diutamakan di atas segala-galanya. Sampaipun harus melanggar keinginan orang tua atau seorang Ibu yang telah mengandung dan menyusuinya selama beberapa waktu tertentu sesuai dengan takdirNya.

Monday, May 19, 2008

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Pleaseee share your stories..

Friday, May 16, 2008

A Few Money Making Tips with RuneScape

A Few Money Making Tips with RuneScape
12th July 2006
Author: Patrick Altoft
Collect Feathers

A great way for new members with combat below 30 to make good money is to kill chickens and collect their feathers. Once you collect around 500 feathers, you can go to world one and sell them just to the East of the West Bank in Varrock if you're a Free to Play member. If you're a Pay to Play member, the best place to sell them is just North of the East Falador Bank. You can usually get about 10-20 gp each in member's worlds. If you're looking to buy feathers, head to fishing shops and go for larger quantities. If you buy groups of at least 1,000, you can make a substantial profit. It's a good idea to sell to people, not stores.


Another way to earn money is by merchanting. There are several ways to do this. You can buy overstocked items in one store and then sell them at a higher price in a store where they are not stocked. You can also buy commodities that are being sold at less than market value and then sell them to other players who are willing to pay higher prices. In order to do this, though, it is necessary that you are aware of current market prices.

You can buy sharks for around 800 gp and later sell them for around 1000 gp. Similarly, you can buy lobsters for 100 to 130 gp and sell them for 200 gp. Rumor has it that in Edgeville they are desperate for food and selling there can be quite lucrative. You can buy coal for 130 gp and sell it for around 200 gp near Falador's east bank. Also consider Rune Essence, which can be bought for 20 gp and sold for 40 at Varrock's east bank.


The higher level you have, the more money you can make in these areas. Mining, fishing and woodcutting are considered the big three moneymakers. However, there are people that find their fortunes in thieving. For example, in mining you can earn 13k for each reunite ore that you mine. For the woodcutter, magic logs are worth 1k each. Fishermen can get up to 1k for each shark and if the thief can get his hands on blood runes, he can get at least 400 gp.

Treasure Hunting

Treasure hunting is actually a mini-game for members. There are three different levels, which yield different treasure possibilities. In level one, you can get gold trimmed, black armour worth 300k a set. In the second level, you can get ranger boots worth 700k. In the last level, you can get gold trimmed rune armor, god armor, gilded armor and a Robin Hood hat. Each of these items can be worth over one million gp each.


Dueling can win you a fortune, or you can lose everything you have. It's only worth the risk if you are absolutely certain that you can't lose.

Robert Bell is an editor of Runescape Money Tips.
You can find more articles at

How to Make Money from Google Adsense

How to Make Money from Google Adsense
05th July 2006
Author: Kurt Lambert
Google Adsense is quickly becoming one of the top ways of earning an income on the Internet. For those who are unfamiliar with it, Google Adsense is a program run by Google which allows you to place relevant ads on your web site. Whenever someone clicks on those ads, you get paid. And paid very well.

Advertisers pay Google a fee to have their own ads shown on web sites that are related to what they are advertising. Depending on what the category is, the fee could be somewhere around a few dollars per click. Google will not admit this publicly, but it has been widely believed that with Adsene, Google will pay you around 50% for each and every click. This sometimes ends up being $1.00+!

The ads are usually very inviting to web site visitors so you will definitely get plenty of clicks. Google does have some pretty strict rules about Adsense, however. You want to make sure you abide by them or they will deactivate your account.

There is a web site that has thousands of pre-made web sites for you to download that are optimized for Google Adsense and making money. They update themselves automatically and follow all of Google's terms. There is really no limit with the amount of money you will be able to make from these pre-made sites. Be sure to check out the pre-made web sites. They pay for themselves many, many times over again!

10 ways to make money online

10 ways to make money online
23rd June 2006
Author: Michael Rad
Making money on the Internet is no longer something reserved for a very small and elusive crowd. You can make money online today, with minimal financial investments, through 100% legitimate ways. Here is a look at the most successful 10 methods of making money online, as they appear categorized on

1. Online advertising - On the Internet, a smartly organized small business may get excellent results, often competing side by side with larger corporations. Internet advertising is on an ascending trend, which shows plenty of potential for the near and distant future. As traditional media outlets struggle to keep costs down and become more attractive for potential advertisers, the virtual space offers any business the opportunity to achieve amazing results with a budget that is only a fraction of what an advertiser would pay to get the same ROI through traditional media. Using programs such as Google Adsense, placing affiliate banners on your site and making the most out of pixel advertising are all amazing ways to make some money.

2. Affiliate programs - You can choose affiliate hubs where different advertisers offer their banners and affiliate offers and you can manage them using a centralized system, or you can get a single affiliate website that will display their banners on your site. The potential profits that come from affiliate programs are strictly connected to how high your visitor counts are and how targeted those visitors are. This takes us a bit away from affiliate systems and highlights the importance of SEO in any online business. The web masters who invest money and energy into ethical SEO techniques often notice a very steady increase in traffic, which, in turn, enables them to make more profit from their online business.

3. Freelance jobs - Working as a freelancer on the Internet is one of the most popular ways of making money from home. You can try your luck at graphic design, copywriting, programming and several other dozens of ramifications and project types.

4. Electronic commerce � selling items on eBay is one of the hottest ways of making a lot of cash online. Not everyone is successful at it, of course, but those that are continue to increase their profits constantly. Auctions on eBay have a lot of potential � combine them with dropshipping and you can get a business that's easy to run and very profitable at the same time.

5. Paid surfing and survey filling - There are a number of companies that pay you to surf the web. They display a small add on your desktop when you are connected to the Internet and give you a percentage of the advertising revenue they receive. The amount per hour is not very big, but there are ways to multiply it by referring other people. This is really the focus of all this programs. Tell everybody you know that they too, can get paid to surf, and get paid yourself for referring them. Paid surveys are also great, since they are easy to fill in and anyone can do that from the comfort of their own home.

6. Networking � while this is not actually a direct way of generating profit, you can use social networking and MLMs to generate leads and drive traffic to your online business.

7. Selling websites and domain names is becoming an extremely popular area, which still has a lot of room for development. If you bought a nice, short and relevant domain name a while ago, you can make a small fortune selling it today. If you don't believe me, check out these figures, for the top five most expensive domain sales in the last few years: � $7.5 million � $5.1 million � $3.3 million � $2.9 million � $2.2 million

8. Work at home jobs - Depending on how much time you are willing to put into a work at home opportunity, you could either do it in your spare time, or make it your main income source. Work at home jobs are suitable for everyone: from students, to retired people. You do not sign any documents or commit in writing to anything, thus you are not obliged to work if you do not feel like it. In a modern society, with parents spending more time at home raising their children and college students looking for a comfortable part time job, a work at home opportunity is the perfect answer.

9. Outsourcing � this is not a moneymaking opportunity, but a money saving one. Outsourcing is the best way to create a competitive business in countries like the United States, Canada and most of Europe.

10. Free stuff online � you will not get rich while taking advantage of all the free stuff you can get online, but it is fun and rewarding. If you are a webmaster and you wish to create a very popular website, do your best to offer lots of things for free � downloads, software, ebooks, wallpapers and so on.

Making Money from Pay Pal

How To Make Money On Paypal
23rd June 2006
Author: chafic itani
How to Turn $10 into $30,000 in 30 Days with PayPal! Home Dec 7,2005 posted
You most likely seen or heard of this project on TV programs such as 20/20, and Oprah or you may have read about it in the Wall Street Journal.If not, here it is below
revealed to you in a step by step detail.
I WAS SHOCKED WHEN I SAW HOW MUCH MONEY CAME FLOODING INTO MY PAYPAL ACCOUNT. I turned $10 into $30,000 within the first 30 days of operating the business plan that I am about to reveal to you free of charge. If you decide to take action on the following instructions, you will enjoy a similar return!
Please do not be skeptical about this program. At least think about it for a few days. Otherwise you will be throwing away over $30,000 in cash! This system has been working for 2 years and thousands of people have joined and they have been amazed by the results of a little time and $10.00! You will too!
Apart from that, I just couldn't stop myself from thinking. What if it actually works? Therefore, I put my doubts to one side and I went ahead and followed the simple instructions given in that email. It took me less than 30 minutes to complete and it cost me no more than $10.

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Yes, I know, it sounds too good to be true! I thought exactly the same thing myself until I actually tried it out! Even if you are already involved in another program, stay with it, but do yourself a big favor and DO THIS ONE as well.
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Please read further before you go there... You can complete this whole process within just half an hour and you will NEVER forget the day you decided to do so!!!
NEED PROOF? Here are just 3 testimonials from the countless individuals who decided to invest nothing more than $10 and half an hour of their time to participate in this program :-
"What an amazing plan! I followed your instructions just 3 weeks ago. I haven't made 30 grand yet, but I'm already up to $21,135. I'm overwhelmed." L.K. Nevada
"THANK YOU SO MUCH! I sent 40 e-mails out like you said and then I went about my life. To be honest, I didn't think anything would come of it. But when I checked my Pay Pal account a week later, there was over $7,000 in it! After 30 days I now have over $25,000 to spend! I can't thank you enough!" Krissy, NY
"I was shocked when I saw how much cash came flooding into my pay pal account. Within 3 weeks my account balance has ballooned to $22,449 from nothing. At first I thought there had been kind of mistake!" J.S. VA
Just a few months ago, each of these people were doing the same thing as you are at this very moment - reading this! But because they decided to follow the simple instructions given below, they are now considerably better off as a result. And there's no reason whatsoever why you can't share in this success. You've got nothing to lose, and EVERYTHING to gain!
Let's get started, just follow the instructions exactly as set out below and then prepare your self for a HUGE influx of cash over the next 30 days!
Here's what you need to do:-
Ok, if you're not already a Pay Pal user, the very first thing you need to do is click on the Pay Pal link below and SIGN UP. It takes just 2 minutes!
Be sure to use this link so you can sign up for a free BUSINESS account. You'll need to have a BUSINESS account (and not a PERSONAL account) otherwise you won't be able to receive credit card payments from other people.
It is an undeniable law of the universe that we must first give in order to receive. So the first thing to do when you have your Business Pay Pal account is to IMMEDIATELY send a $5.00 payment from your Pay Pal account to the FIRST email address in the list below. In the Note section, put "Please add me to your mailing list." Next, send a 5.00 payment to the last person on the list and in the note section, put "thanks, i've joined."
Be certain to add this, as this is what KEEPS THIS PROGRAM LEGAL. Instructions on how to send a payment are under "SEND MONEY" at the Pay Pal site. It's so easy!!
When you send your $5 payment to the first and address in the list, do it with a great big smile because that $10 will be coming back to you many times over.
Here's the current list: -

After you have transferred a $5.00 payment to the email address at the top of the list, you realize something. You've just proven to yourself that, because you have done it, there must be a great number of other people ready to do exactly the same. You have now seen for yourself first hand, that this business actually works!
Once you've sent a 5.00 payment to the address at the top of the list (along with your note - this is VERY important!), the next thing you need to do is send 5.00 to the last person on the list with a note saying: "thanks, i've joined". then copy the contents of this page, as you'll be sending it out (as an email message, advertising your page or posting it to a message board) to at least 40 people (keep in mind that 40 is a good number of people to reach, but with all the different ways of advertising for free on the internet the amount of views and sign-ups under you could well exceed into the hundreds or thousands if you wish....the more people who join the more profitable for everyone on the list, including you). The copy that you will send out will contain YOUR email address at number 5 in the list - having deleted the address at Number 1 in the list, and moving the others up one position.
The best way to do this is you can copy and paste into emails to your family and friends. You can copy and paste it and put ads on the Internet on message boards etc. Or you can create your own free web site, by copying and pasting. There are many free web pages you can build on the web. And the best part of having this info on a web site for people to follow is you can post links to your site on paid to click web sites or paid to read email sites, for great advertising. There are countless ways to get more people like us involved in this amazing program.
A. Go to the toolbar at the top of the window and select "Edit" and then "Select All".
B. Go to the toolbar again and select "Edit" and then "Copy".
C. Start (compose) a new email message (PLAIN TEXT so everyone can view it!).
D. Fill in your email address and subject line, and then click in the main message area.
E. Go to "Edit" and "Paste" to paste the text into your new email message. Now you can edit and format the message text in any way you want! However, it's best to just leave the text as it is because you want your email to be read by everyone who receives it!
The only thing you need to make sure of is that you type YOUR email address at Number 5 in the list in STEP 2. Of course, the address that was previously at Number 1 should be removed, and the other email addresses should be moved up a position to accommodate yours at Number 5. As long as you have done this correctly, your email is ready for sending!
A word of warning! Don't be tempted to add your email address to position 1 in order to earn money fast! It doesn't work that way.
If you do that, you will ONLY reach the people you directly send emails to, and then your address will be immediately removed from the Number 1 place and you won't reach thousands of people! But, if you add your name to the Number 5 position, there will be literally tens of thousands of people receiving and sending e-mail later - when your name is at the Number 1 spot!!!
E. Once you've got your email message ready, send out a minimum of 40 copies of the email - but only to people you know, or to people who respond to MLM offers, or to people who've sent YOU offers. By sending this letter and the payment via EMAIL, the response time is EXTREMELY Fast.......... ELECTRONIC TRANSFER INTERNET FAST!!! That's why it takes only a few days for those $10 payments to start flooding into your Pay pal account!
THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT! The whole process should take you about 30 minutes to complete.
BE PREPARED TO GET EXCITED ... YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!! Half an hour of easy work is all that's needed - no capital outlay, no postage stamps, no printing, copying or waiting, and the concept is 100% legal. [As long as You Don't Spam] !
Within 30 days, over $30,000 cash will pass through your Pay Pal account. In fact, you can expect to receive a substantial number of $10 payments within the first few days! Keep a copy of your email safe so that you can use it again whenever you need more cash!
Here's the math:
When you send out your emails, your email address will initially be at Number 5 in the list. That's the best position it can be in at this stage if you want to make serious money. The response-rate for this program is much higher than any typical email marketing campaign for a number of reasons, which are explained later.
As long as you send your emails to people who are likely to be interested in this program, on average, you can expect a response from about 25% of the people you send to. But let's be extremely conservative here and assume that you receive an average response rate of only 12.5% . . . If you send out your email to 40 different people, you can expect at least 5 of those people to do exactly what you did (12.5% of 40 = 5).
By this time, your email address will have moved up to Number 4 in the list, and this list will now have reached around 200 people (5 x 40).
Out of those 200 people, you can expect at least 25 of them to participate (12.5% of 200 = 25), so that's a further 1,000 emails (25 x 40) being sent out and your email address will have risen to Number 3 in the list.
Out of those 1,000 people, you can expect at least 125 of them to participate (12.5% of 1,000 = 125), so that's a further 5,000 emails (125 x 40) being sent out with you now at the Number 2 position.
Out of those 5,000 people, you can expect at least 625 of them to respond (12.5% of 5,000 = 625), so that's 25,000 emails (625 x 40) being sent out with YOUR ADDRESS at the Number 1 spot!
Now, out of those 25,000 people, you can expect around 3,125 of them to respond (12.5% of 25,000 = 3,125). And since you will now be at NUMBER 1 in the list, you will receive: $31,250! (3,125 x $10)!
So, when your name starts to hit the Number 1 position within the next few days, it will be YOUR turn to collect the money! Over the course of 30 days, this money will be sent to you by a few thousand people just like yourself - who are willing to invest half an hour to receive around $30,000 or more in cash! The first payments will arrive within a few days, and they will continue at the rate of about 100 payments per day for about 30 days.
After that time, the volume of payments begins to taper off as your email address vacates the Number 1 position.
That's all you need to do! There will be around $30,000 in $10 payments waiting for you in your PayPal account within the next few weeks.
$30,000 for just 30 minutes work! This is real money that you can spend on anything you wish! Just deposit it to your own bank account or spend it directly from your PayPal account!!! It's just that easy!!! I think it's WORTH IT, don't you?
Remember, the 12.5% example above is assuming that 35 out of the 40 people you send your email to will do absolutely nothing except delete your email. However, if you follow the plan correctly and send your emails only to people who are likely to want to participate, you can expect a typical response-rate of around 25%. Hence, the 12.5% example is only given as a worst-case-scenario.
Additionally, the above example assumes that each participant will only send out 40 emails. Imagine what would happen if each participant sent out 1,000 emails instead of just 40! Believe me; many people will do this and much more!
Consider this! Millions of people surf the Internet every single day, all over the world! Plus there are 50,000 new people who get on the Internet every month! The people who send you offers by email can provide you with an excellent source of bulk email addresses to send to. You can also send out emails to all of your family, friends, and to anyone who you think would want to invest $5 and 30 minutes of their time to make a substantial lump sum within a month.
If you want to operate this business continuously, you should consider obtaining bulk lists of email addresses from a reputable mailing list company. That's how I've managed to stay in business for the last 2 years! If you already have a legitimate mailing list, then this program would be the most profitable way to make use of it.
There are many web sites that sell thousands of fresh opt-in email addresses of people who have subscribed to receive exactly this type of program.
For example, visit :- Or

The possibilities are endless, and it's so easy!
Unlike many other programs, this 5-LEVEL PROGRAM costs you only $10. That's right, only $10 ONCE, which is much more realistic and provides much, much faster results.
Only the first and last person on the list gets your $5 gift, but everyone in the list will rise to that Number 1 position as thousands of emails are being sent out. No cheating can occur (don't be fooled by claims that this system can be cheated) as Pay Pal only allows one account per person.
Because it is so easy, the response rate is VERY HIGH and VERY FAST - Internet email FAST, and you will start seeing dramatic results in less than one week! JUST IN TIME FOR NEXT MONTH'S BILLS!
Remember, you need only mail out 40 copies to start with. This will be enough to generate a substantial lump sum within 30 days. For example, send to personal contacts and reply to people who send their programs to you, as they are already working on the web. They know these programs work and they are already believers in the system!
This is NOT considered SPAM if you are responding to other people's offers, or sending to friends, family and contacts, or if you are using a legitimate mailing list.
So, email your letters out today, and then prepare yourself for a huge influx of cash within the next 30 days!!!
4 factors that make this program so successful :-

Because of the VIRTUALLY ZERO INVESTMENT, SPEED, and HIGH PROFIT POTENTIAL, this program has a VERY HIGH RESPONSE RATE! And all from just a simple email and two simple $5 Pay Pal transaction!
In fact, this program has faster results and a higher response rate than any other Internet program you could possibly participate in! For most email marketing campaigns, the average response rate is between 0.5% and 5%. However, this particular program typically generates a response rate of between 20% and 30%. This is because this program is so easy to implement, it costs next to nothing, it takes just 30 minutes to implement, and the results can be seen within days.
I've been watching this type of program for years and this is about as easy and fast as you can get it. No stamps, no envelopes, no printed copies to be made - just a little effort and faith!!!
This program is structured for everyone to send only 40 emails each to start. However, you are certainly not limited to 40 Send out as many emails as you want. Every 40 emails you send have a return of AT LEAST $30,000 WITHIN 30 DAYS. So, if you can email 50, or 100, or whatever, GO FOR IT! THE MORE YOU PUT INTO IT, THE MORE YOU GET OUT OF IT!
However, you MUST remember that sneaking your name higher up on the list will NOT produce the results you think, and it only cheats the other people who have put in the effort and have earned the right to be there. So please, play by the rules and the serious money will come to you!
You are probably skeptical of this, especially with all the different programs out there on the Web, but if you don't try this you will never know.
I felt exactly the same as you probably do right now. I wanted to believe but I just couldn't help thinking that there was some sort of catch.
But then I realized that I had absolutely nothing to lose. After all, I was only being asked to invest a measly $10, and yet I could earn many thousands of dollars within a month. And all for just half an hour of my time! Therefore I went ahead and did exactly as the email requested. This took me around 30 minutes in total, and I'm so, so, glad I did it!
To get started, goto

But please play by the rules!
This program doesn't cost anything but $10 and about half an hour of your time, and if everyone plays fair, everyone WINS!!
So there it is. You now have the knowledge that will enable you to make over $30,000 within the next few weeks. The only thing that can hold you back now is a lack of faith or a lack of self-belief.
However, any doubts you may currently have will disappear within a few days of putting this plan into practice. Trust me on this! You certainly won't regret it.
Some notes from the Pay Pal site which you may find useful :-
Pay Pal lets you pay anyone with an email address and is the world's Number 1 online payment service. Pay Pal (as an Embay company) is accepted on millions of eBay auctions daily, as well as a countless number of online shops. You can also use Pay Pal to pay your friends, [for example], it's a convenient way to split the phone bill with your roommate, send cash to your kids in college, or send cash to someone in another country.
When you send money through Pay Pal, you can fund your payments with your credit card or check account. You won't have to worry about your privacy, because Pay Pal keeps your accounting information safe and secure. Making a purchase with Pay Pal is far more secure than mailing a check or giving your credit card number to a stranger. That's why over 9 MILLION people from around the world use Pay Pal to move money.
Signing up for a Pay Pal account is free, easy, and it takes only a couple of minutes.
Thank you and good luck in your ventures GOD BLESS

Posts: 48
Registered: Jan 2006 posted 02 January 2006 15:09

Once you've read this information, you'll totally understand EVERYTHING to becoming a millionaire the next few short months!
JUST THINK.... No Working Ever.... Once you've taken action your done. You just wait till your money comes's that really is
-No stocks to Buy
-No Multi-level Marketing.
-No Chain Letters or Chain anything.
-No Selling
-No Internet Web Sites
-No Porn Sites
-No Stupid Surveys
-No Government Grants
-No Nothing to Do once you've taken action.... just sit back and watch your money grow
There is a LOOP HOLE in the WORLD BANKING SYSTEM, a WINDOW of OPPORTUNITY, which will last only 2 to 3 months.... This is for REAL folks.... please check my feed back...maybe some of you out there have been burned by scams...well let me enlighten you....This is For real.....this is a once in a lifetime opportunity that will make 1000's of people millionaires in the over the next few months.
Folks the general population will never get there hands on this secret....and best of all you know you want to try it....for once in your life be a go for it all the way person....and I know maybe it's hard to trust someone selling a get rich system....but trust me this time....and please check my feedback and email my customers if you wish...I kid you not...never in your lifetime will this kind of an opportunity come along again....this world wide event will happen...And I know I'm going for it....All The Way ,remember this has happened before only twice in history and the payoff was huge.!!
Never before in history, has an money making opportunity presented it's self so perfectly. I wish I could shout it from the highest hill.
Hi my name is Bruce Rowland. Plain and simple I make tons of money...So when I tell you that this information is the real deal, then trust me it is.
First I don't want to waste your time; so let us get right into this secret information.
A world wide event will take place...and when it does, every news paper, every TV station in the country and the world, will announce this great event. This single event will change the lives of me, you and everyone on this planet. People all around the country will scramble to get in on this sweet deal...but the only trouble is it will be far to late by then, to take part in getting your millions of dollars...Only you people , with the for thought to jump on board this money making ship now ....and I mean before the big news hits the world wide news press ...only then will you make all this money I'm talking about.
Fact is many Worldwide-banking intuitions, and a few private millionaires are taking advantage of this plan right now. These people and banks know the whole inside story, that will make them millions of dollars, and some even billions of dollars within 6 months...
You may be saying to yourself, nothing can be this easy...yes it can. What's more it's totally legal and backed by the US Government, approved in a bill by the President of the United States.
Everyone Will Be Affected By This World Wide News Event
Once This information breaks it will be to late......this is why I am E-mailing this information to you as fast as possible, there will be no shipping cost.....instead I will e-mail you my ,"The Millionaire Money Maker" E-Book I wrote. This E-book will explain everything you'll get all the information you need towards becoming a millionaire right now. I have no doubt in my mind that once you read this information you will come to realize that anyone could do this. It's like taking candy from a's way to easy.
Like I said the clock is ticking away, and time is running out,(and that's a good thing that the clocks ticking away....because the opportunity to make money is coming very fast now.)I've heard bankers talking, that this maybe the single greatest millionaire opportunity ever in the history of the world, I know I'm planning on collecting my 20 million dollars......Just think of it....lets say six months from today you're sitting in your new mansion ,over looking your new Rolls that's parked in the driveway, you now have security for life....maybe a new blonde wife....and life is looking good...........or would you rather not take a chance and trust me....and stay where you are forever.......I know the old saying.....If it sounds to good to be true ,then it is.......But that kind of thinking is all wrong.... let me tell you this....if you blow this one you're really walking away from the sweetest money making deal....I mean this baby is sweet in fact that most American and European banks not to mention Asian banks are secretly piling up their cash supplies..........and a few private millionaires will in a few short months become Billionaires......
I would like to say that once you've purchased my " Millionaire Money Maker", that there's never anything more to buy from me. You'll have all the information, and when you read it you'll understand completely why you'll become really is that simple, you can do it in 10 easy minutes, you really can !!
A Race Against Time
There's no time to must act today before the greedy rich banks and their friends get hold of everything. How do I know this secret information....well I do a lot of research, and to be truthful I stumbled across this information, I guess you could say I was in the right place at the right time. But everything I've told you is on the up and up.....there comes a day soon that will turn people into millionaires overnight and yes I mean just that , overnight. One day very soon...You'll wake up to find you are a millionaire. So why wait? Trust me there's just a few weeks left, that's why it's a race against time....this is why I have to email you my e-book...simply because the clock is running out. I do know there's most likely at least 3 weeks left.....maybe up to 2 months...Also please remember that you're only paying a very small amount at 28.50 considering you will become a millionaire. You can try all the other get rich programs of all kinds on eBay and the Internet, but when they fail you can come back to me....I have the real deal and it will be here until the world wide news hits the wire. Also there's no shipping cost since you'll receive this e-book in your this is a great steal of a deal.......also I really can't keep these prices so low on information like this, which is worth over 169.00 for my advice and consultation. So get in while you can, next month I will raise the price back up to 169.00.
Thanks Bruce Rowland
This information is so exciting; I truly believe it will change the lives of those it touches. If you don't believe this info will help you then I give a money back refund, along with your promise never to use the information to make money. Thanks again.
On Oct-25-05 at 11:35:03 PDT, seller added the following information:
Several people wrote in asking if this is for real....Yes It Is.....There is a LOOP HOLE in the world banking system right's a 2 to 3 month window of opportunity, that if someone takes advantage of now before it closes ...can cash in on millions of dollars....In fact Bank managers, and their millionaire friends are guarding this secret......yet it's so simple a 10 year child could do this. Imagine that it's possible for every dollar you put in that you'll get anywhere from 330.00 to 1000.00 back on your return. Why the difference from 330.00 to 1000.00 you ask?....because that's a time issue depending on how long you want your money to grow. By April/May of 2006 your 1.00 could be worth 330.00...and a year after that date maybe as high as $ imagine if you spent only 300.00 to 500.00 how much you'll get can invest as little as 32.50...or more...also you don't invest any money with me....but I'll show you how to do it.....In fact you're not even really investing money.......if you want to turn around and get your money back because you want to back out at anytime you can.....remember this is not a stock....but a way to buy in the banking system and collect. Anyone with a few dollars in their pocket today, can become and will become's going to happen and when you read my Millionaire Maker you'll see it's for real. Also I don't plan on selling this Millionaire maker for long, because I plan on Cashing in on my own Millionaire Maker Program myself and retiring forever....folks all I can say is this.....for once in your life take a chance...this is for's no scam... Real Deals only come along once in a have to be in the right place at the right time.....and this is it....don't expect this to happen again for 50 years....Thanks Bruce Rowland
send $28.50 to f
This article is free for republishing

Easy Chair Millionaire

The Easy Chair Millionaire - Online Money for Beginners?

Recently a friend of mine approached me and asked if it was truly possible to make money online. I didn't really need to answer the question. Of course it's possible to make money online - very good money - and he knew that as well as I did. You see, my friend suffers from the same problem as many aspiring internet marketers do, namely information overload. The more information he is bombarded with, the more frustrated he gets; the more frustrated he gets, the less he does; the less he does, the more often he has to ask me whether it's possible to make money online in order to restore the faith.

Procrastination in internet marketing is deadly, and I truly believe that it stems from the wealth of information we're subjected to, e.g. money-making strategies, the plethora of "must have" software, computer jargon etc. This can cause the kind of frustration and desperation that leaves many beginners feeling lost and on their own. This is why so many newbies fail from the very start - because they succumb to the information overload and end up taking no action at all.

In order to generate and maintain enthusiasm in the newbie, one must deliver a clear system which shows how to make online profits, the internet equivalet of paint-by-numbers. The Easy Chair Millionaire meets these requirements. A recently released product, The Easy Chair Millionaire takes the newbie by the hand and walks them through a simple method in which to make hard cash online.

The genius of this product is that it throws everything else out of the window. The Easy Chair Millionaire has a simple system that almost anybody could find success with and, brilliantly, it is undoubtedly one of the quickest ways to make cash on the internet. You don't need to build a website, host a domain or dabble in that thing called HTML. All you need is a willingness to learn and the diligence to apply the methods. The techniques are so fast that you should be making money within a few hours of purchasing the product.

Perhaps most appealingly, The Easy Chair Millionaire is user-friendly. There is no assumed knowledge. And the creator of the product admits to being lazy! He certainly comes across as a man we can all identify with. The methods he supplies are meant to be quick to apply and quick to reap from. Overall, this is a terrific product for the beginner. It has a clear step-by-step system for almost anyone to start generating immediate online profits. You read the manual, you follow the rules, and you can do good money almost instantly. The only question is - do you have the discipline to take action today?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

From Drum Lesson.. For begginer Jazz player

Step OneJazz drumming is a massive subject, simply by virtue of the breadth of the genre itself. But by that very token, it is a genre of drumming that is not only fantastic fun to play, but in learning the skills to do so, offers more benefits that cross over to all other styles in more ways than any other style of drumming can. The internal clock, the pulse, feel, improvisation, dynamic command, technical precision, playing over bar lines, odd time, polyrhythms – the list goes on, but these are just a few of the skills that learning and playing jazz will add to your current set, and improve exponentially the more you use and practice them!
So, we’re going to approach this subject at a nice steady pace, to ensure each skill is understood and mastered before moving on – this will ensure that your understanding of the jazz genre is genuine, and thus your playing is authentic and well rounded.
In this section, Step One, we are going to look at the entire basis for the jazz feel – the triplet.
The following idea is very simple in itself, and in a musical sense, but it is the foundation for understanding and playing with the swing feel, the feel that lies at the root of all jazz.
So – Triplets…
Shuffles, swing, jazz, bebop, gospel, and so on, are all derived from the triplet. In it’s basic form, it is a group of three notes played together, often with an accent on the first note (but not always).Firstly, we need to become familiar with playing straight triplets, to then later be able to feel the right pulse and swing when playing the variations that give us the jazz styles.
Firstly, play the following with no accenting at all, just for a few minutes:
Now we are going to begin to feel the triplet pulse. By playing an accent on the first partial of each triplet. At once, you will hear the difference – you will hear the triplet feel as we emphasise each first note, ensuring that the remaining two partials of each triplet are soft and even. That accent is what breathes life into the triplet.
You must now practise the triplets at all tempos, preferably using a metronome. Try to get the flow as fluid as possible, and internalise that swing feel as it emerges from the accented triplet sound.That’s all you need to do for this step – like we said, slow and steady – it’s all about feel so we don’t want to rush forward without having that feel developing inside us!
Once you’ve mastered the above, move on to Step Two, which will be posted soon.
Author: Steve Rigg

Downlad lesson drum

Yo gak tau info ini basi apa nggak, tapi buat pembaca blog yang tertatik n nyari video drum lesson, Yo saranin langsung aja ke You Tube.. There'a a lot of free lesson there.. Cuma kalo buat teman teman yang sering ke warnet(kayak Yo..) Mending milih milih dulu warnet mana yang koneksinya lumayan oke..

Untuk drummer Indonesia ayo kita sharing.... Terutama buat drummer lokal Bogor. Speaking of Bogor drummer, Yo kagum sama Nicho.. Dia ngajar di Psallo. Tehnik dia keren banget, n menurut Yo dia udah gak pantes maen di Bogor. Dia pantesnya maen di seluruh Indonseia!! Karena skill n performancenya gak ketulungan kerennya. Tapi Yo yakin masih banyak musisi musisi yang hebat di seluruh Indonesia..

Dari klinik drum (Lagi)

Hehehe... Ini artikel favorit Yo.. Monggo dibaca..
Satu-satunya instrument musik yang paling cepat menghilangkan stress.Dijamin!!
Satu-satunya alat musik yang tetap walaupun mati lampu.
Tidak sempat lari pagi? Bermainlah drum selama 20 menit non stop (yang semangat)!
Dengan melihat drumnya saja seseorang dapat mengetahui band yang akan tampil.
Jika tidak ada drum dipanggung maka orang beranggapan bahwa tidak ada band.
Instrument musik yang paling dapat mencerminkan sifat seseorang (di lihat dari permainan dan setup drumnya).
Instrument musik yang paling atraktif. Orang lebih suka melihat pemain drum ketimbang pemain gitar, bass keyboard dll (sorry). (Sssstt... bahkan gitaris mengakuinya) :)
Sebuah instrument musik yang dapat melatih koordinasi tubuh secara menyeluruh.
Jika tidak ada drum, lagu yang dimainkan tidak akan terasa
Drum adalah alat musik yang paling menyenangkan untuk di mainkan.

Dari klinik drum

F Y I, Yo dapet artikel ini dari, jadi kalo mau liat langsung klik aja disana. Itung itung ini cuma shortcut aja, n kali aja ada yang tertarik mau belajar drum lebih lanjut ya monggo.. Yo sendiri masih drummer pemula n cuma maen di cafe cafe aja.. Buat para drummer di luar sana yuk kita sahring info and tekhnik.
"There are no good band without a good drummer"

Hi KlinikDrummerz pemula! Di artikel ini akan dijelaskan cara mudah untuk memulai permainan drum. Yup, playing drums is easy, but it's hard to mastered it! Nah, jadi siapa bilang kalau main drum itu mudah? :)
Pertama, untuk memulai belajar main drum anda tidak perlu sebuah drum. Yang anda perlukan hanya duduk didepan komputer ini. Lho? Gimana cara? That's easy!!! Buatlah delapan ketukan dengan tangan kanan anda, tapi bunyi hitungan adalah " 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and" (bahasa inggris). Pada setiap angka dan "and" yang anda sebutkan buatlah pukulan bersamaan dengan hitungan. Lakukan! "one and two and three and four and"Sudah? Nah, itu adalah ketukan 1/8. Ingat, 1/8.
Nah, sekarang buat ketukan dengan tangan kiri pada hitungan "two" dan "four". Tangan kanan tetap membuat ketukan seperti yang pertama. 1 2 3 4... Mulai! "one and two and three and four and".Sudah? mudahkan? Tapi itu belum semua... step terakhir adalah membuat ketukan dengan kaki kanan yang jatuhnya pada hitungan "one" dan "three". Tapi lagi2 tangan kanan dan kiri tetap melakukan hal yang sudah anda lakukan tadi, kaki kanan tinggal memperkaya ketukan2 itu. 1 2 3 4... mulai! "one and two and three and four and...." Wow! Selamat, anda sekarang sudah bisa dibilang seorang 'drummer'. Tapi ingat, itu hanya permulaan. Untuk menguasai drum secara hampir menyeluruh anda setidaknya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 6 tahun, atau bahkan lebih. :)
Pada drumset nantinya, tangan kanan anda ditempatkan pada cymbal hihat (biasanya terletak pada sisi kiri anda) atau cymbal ride yang biasanya terletak di sisi kanan anda. Tangan kiri pada snare drum yang sudah pasti terletak diantara kaki anda dan kaki kanan ditaruh diatas pedal bass drum. Dan anda tinggal melakukan pukulan2 itu dan sambung pukulan itu sehingga membentuk beat yang panjang. Menyambung pukulan2 itu mudah, ketukannya akan menjadi... ""one and two and three and four and one and two and.... dst"

Apa Sih CInta??

Nah lho..... Ada angin apa yah tau tau Yo mulis kaya gitu?? Hehheh gak ada apa apa tapi kadang Yo kalo malem malem suka mikir or merenung (ceileee.... kesannya gitu..). Banyaaaaakkk banget orang yang ngasih pertanyaan kayak gitu ke Yo.. Laahh boro boro Yo tau jawabannya.. Orang Yo sendiri juga bingung...
Yang pasti seh.... Cinta itu kayak kehidupan itu sendiri. kadang seneng, kadang sedih. Kadang terang, kadang gelap..
Tapi Yo gak percaya ama satu hal: "Cinta gak harus memiliki".

Ah daripada puyeng mikirin cinta mending nyanyi ajah ahh.... Eh tapi kan Yo bukan penyanyi, Yo kan drummer.. Ya udah Yo ngdrum ajah... Gebak gedebuk...

Conclusion: None. (Hehheee.... kebiasaan orang Indonesia kayak gini nih. Muter muter tapi gak ada kesimpulannya)


C Cmaj7 F
saat aku tertawa di atas semua
C Cmaj7 F
saat aku menangisi kesedihanku

Am G F
aku ingin engkau selalu ada
Am G F G
aku ingin engkau aku kenang

F Em
selama aku masih bisa bernafas
Dm G
masih sanggup berjalan
ku kan slalu memujamu
meski ku tak tau lagi
Em A
engkau ada di mana
Dm G
dengarkan aku ku merindukanmu


C Cmaj7 F
saat aku mencoba merubah sgalanya
C Cmaj7 F
saat aku meratapi kekalahanku

[interlude] Am G F G

Am Dm
dengarkan aku ku merindukanmu


Hahaha.... orang kan biasanya naro lirik lagu doank. Tapi ini pake chordnya segala. Ketauan banget yah Yo males ngedit.. Tapi.. Gapapa deh... Tadinya sih Yo gak tau lagi ini kaya gimana. Tapi temen Yo, si Hendra yang notabene adalah gitaris Yo, suka banget!! N ternyata pas didengerin... ummmm.. Yo seneng juga..
Tadinya seh Yo agak gondok ama D'masiv. WHY? Karena mereka adalah pemenang amild live 2007!! Band Yo, FLUR (Hehe sengaja digedein biar keliatan, hehe) ikutan taun ini. Tapi kita cuma nembus JUARA 2 REGIONAL BOGOR (digedein lagi biar keliatan juga, hehe.. Dasar narsis).. Pengennya seh nembus minimal nasional deh, min jadi finalis.. Tapi mungkin belum rejekinya ya....

Well.. loh kok jadi ngelantur?? Padahal kan yang mau dibahas lagunya .. Tapi berhubung perut lagi meronta ronta (alias pengen PUP) tar Yo terusin lagi daaah..


C Cmaj7 F
saat aku tertawa di atas semua
C Cmaj7 F
saat aku menangisi kesedihanku

Am G F
aku ingin engkau selalu ada
Am G F G
aku ingin engkau aku kenang

F Em
selama aku masih bisa bernafas
Dm G
masih sanggup berjalan
ku kan slalu memujamu
meski ku tak tau lagi
Em A
engkau ada di mana
Dm G
dengarkan aku ku merindukanmu


C Cmaj7 F
saat aku mencoba merubah sgalanya
C Cmaj7 F
saat aku meratapi kekalahanku

[interlude] Am G F G

Am Dm
dengarkan aku ku merindukanmu


Hahaha.... orang kan biasanya naro lirik lagu doank. Tapi ini pake chordnya segala. Ketauan banget yah Yo males ngedit.. Tapi.. Gapapa deh... Tadinya sih Yo gak tau lagi ini kaya gimana. Tapi temen Yo, si Hendra yang notabene adalah gitaris Yo, suka banget!! N ternyata pas didengerin... ummmm.. Yo seneng juga..
Tadinya seh Yo agak gondok ama D'masiv. WHY? Karena mereka adalah pemenang amild live 2007!! Band Yo, FLUR (Hehe sengaja digedein biar keliatan, hehe) ikutan taun ini. Tapi kita cuma nembus JUARA 2 REGIONAL BOGOR (digedein lagi biar keliatan juga, hehe.. Dasar narsis).. Pengennya seh nembus minimal nasional deh, min jadi finalis.. Tapi mungkin belum rejekinya ya....

Well.. loh kok jadi ngelantur?? Padahal kan yang mau dibahas lagunya .. Tapi berhubung perut lagi meronta ronta (alias pengen PUP) tar Yo terusin lagi daaah..


lagi lagi yo baru sempet datengin blog lagi.. Nah lho.. coba itung ada berapa kata lagi di kalimat barusan!! (

Kadang ada orang yang kalo mau nulis di blog udah ada rencana dulu mereka mau nulis apa, tapi Yo?? Yo boro boro mikir mau nulis apa. Niatnya seh cuma mau download drum lesson dari You Tube, tapinya lagi lemot bin lambat banget!!! Ya sudahlah daripada bengong gak karuan ampe ngiler ya nulis blog ajah deh..

Waduhh.... Parahnya di warnet ni lagi ada lagu Seventeen yang baru. damn!! Judul lagunya ngena banget... Mengapa aku yang harus selslu mengalah. Have you ever think or not? Kadang kita sebagai manusia suka or seneng banget neken orang laen. N Yo mungkin adalah salah satu dari korbannya.. since I was a child, Nyokap selalu ngasih tau apa yang harus yo lakuin or nggak. ampe ampe dulu Yo nginjek tai kotok aja ( kayak kiamat yang tiba tiba udah dateng.. O man... Dan itu berlanjut ampe sekarang! Until my age is 25 now!!

And the worst off all... Mungkin karena terbiasa dikasih "instruksi" dari "atasan", Yo sering gak bisa bilang "nggak". Yo sering baget berada di bawah orang lain, n Yo gak punya kekuatan untuk bilang "what the hell do you want from me!!!! You F****ing bastard!!" ups.. mungkin kata kata itu terlalu keras.. But well, Yo nggak punya cukup keberanian untuk melawan karena.... Ironisnya mereka adalah orang yang yo butuhin..

Huuu....... what an ironic thing right??

and it's keep going going and going, and going....

Ketika kita menyayangi seseorang atau dicintai seseorang, tidak sepantasnya kita merendahkan atau meninggikan orang lain.. kita seharusnya sejajar...

Tapi Yo terlalu sayang dengan orang orang yang selalu menekan yo, sehingga mungkin itulah satu satunya alasan kenapa yo ngak bisa bilang... 'nggak'

why.. oh why....

Have you ever realize what a mankind made of????

Kadang bikin Yo mikir... kenapa begitu banyak keinginan or tuntutan dari orang lain untuk kita??? Padahal mereka pun ngurus diri sendirinya aja belum bener, tapi kok ya berani beraninya minta kita untuk menuhin semua tuntutan mereka??? WHY OH WHY??? Ketika banyak keinginan mereka yang gak bisa terpenuhi or dipenuhi oleh diri mereka sendiri, mereka lalu mulai menuntut kita!! Well, mungkin itulah adanya manusia...

Shallow..... Full of darkness.... And the worst of all..... I'm the one of them!!! And i'm doin all the stuff that I hate from man, but i'm stil doin it!! Huhuhuhuh..... It's a kinda ironic thing doesn't it?